Advertising & IMC: Principles and Practice如何購買?
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Advertising tracks the changes in today’s dynamic world of media and marketing communication–as well as the implications of these changes to traditional practice–and presents them to students through an accessible, well-written approach. The ninth edition highlights the increasing importance of consumers as the driving force in today’s advertising strategies, social media, and the Internet evolution/revolution. It also includes an increased IMC and brand focus. New To This Edition 1.Updated! See the big picture: Increased Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) Focus. The word “advertising” has come to refer to a variety of marketing communication tools and functions. The broader focus of IMC in this edition includes all the various forms of marketing communication—multi-platform, as well as multi-media—and the discussion is embedded seamlessly throughout the book. 2.Updated! Emphasize the importance of the brand: Increased Brand Focus. Instead of presenting advertising as an isolated piece of the marketing puzzle, this text has increased its emphasis on the importance of advertising in relation to brand communication. 3.Highlight the social media revolution: New Interactive and Social Media Discussions. Today’s social media revolution marks a major change in the way advertising operates. The impact and implications of this shift—from company-controlled to consumer-controlled media—is highlighted and explained throughout this text. 作者簡介 Sandra Moriarty Nancy Mitchell William D. Wells |
定價:1320元 優惠價:95折1254元
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